Summer of Soil
If it is possible to regenerate our soils, whilst regenerating our food culture and health at the same time, then why don’t we do that?
The Story of Soil
Soil represents one of the most critical challenges of this time, affects us all, and is yet still largely unknown. The issue of soil degradation is of such a magnitude and complexity that it is beyond the power of any single organisation, industry or country to address alone. A broad-scale, cross-sectoral collaborative approach is needed. And it is needed now.
According to the FAO, more than 90%of our food comes from our soils, yet current unsustainable production practices have degraded 25%of the Earth’s soils to the point where they can no longer support agricultural production or even natural ecosystems. This degradation continues today at a rate of around 10 million ha per year globally, that is 30 soccer fields per minute.
Summer of Soil was launched in 2013 with the intention to build up towards 2015, the International Year of Soil.
Summer of Soil 2014
Next to many other ecosystem services, soil functions as the plants’ digestive system. The microorganisms in soil break down raw and complex materials, both organic and mineral, into simpler forms that can be absorbed and metabolised by the plants.
There are about 50 billion microbes in 1 tablespoon of soil. It is this microbial life, which forms the ‘link’ or parallel to nutrition and digestion.
Through adding a chapter on nutrition and digestion, and showing the parallels it has with soil we hope to reach those who have no daily dealing with soil any longer. With more than 50% of the world population living in urban environments, our exposure to soil is minimal. However, our relation to nutrition and digestion is daily.
We seek to showcase a win-win-win scenario between, soil stewardship, nutritious food and resilient immune systems and health. Showing that regenerative agriculture, does not just benefit soil, but also has the potential to secure more nutritious and tasty food, leading to more resilient immunity and well being.
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